David Novick & Associates, LLC


Using research-validated approaches to communication, Dr. Novick and his associates provide professional consulting services for organizations that seek to improve the effectiveness of their teamwork and the usefulness their Web sites, user interfaces, and documentation.
Intellectual Property

Effective Team Communication

Effective User Experience
Litigation of intellectual property cases usually requires assistance from experts in the field of the technology. For cases involving human-computer interaction and the user experience, we can provide expert opinion.
Cross-functional teams, such as new-product development teams, can include personnel from diverse professional backgrounds, including design, implementation, finance, marketing, and management. People in these different roles typically have different ways of communicating, and these differences lead to systematic misunderstandings that reduce team effectiveness, miss opportunities, and foster resentment. Through systematic observation and analysis of your organizations teams, we can identify key communications problems and work with your personnel to improve the way they work together. Trained teams can increase interaction effectiveness, spot opportunities, and build cohesion.
Years of experience have shown that Web sites and user interfaces can be hugely improved through systematic evaluation of the user experience. We can work with your design and implementation team to improve the usefulness and usability of your Web sites and user interfaces through both heuristic and empirical evaluation. We can help you develop a program of formative and summative evaluation that can meet your product goals. And we can train your development team in these techniques.